Kathy Casper Faix, pictured here with Lou "Junior" Ventresco in front of a Gateway memorabilia display on Friday, June 5, 2009, provided even more photos from the Gateway Class of '67's 60th Birthday Celebration Weekend. Please let us know if you've got classmate photos to share.
Kathy echos what most classmates had to say about the weekend celebration:
I am so glad that I was able to make it this weekend. It was so much fun meeting with everyone and catching up.
And our collective regret:
I did not get to see everyone.
Kathy, shown here with Donna Fisher Wiley (center) and Joyce Crispin Johnston (left) (Janet Bova Sieracki is in the background), said:
I spent alot of time with Donna Fisher. She and I were best friends in high school and had lost touch over the years. I got her email address after the 40th reunion, and we have emailed regularly. This was the first time we were able to actually visit with one another.
Thanks to the efforts of the reunion committee and other diligent classmates (including Kathy), who have been trying to locate all 500-plus members of the Class of '67, Kathy says:
I found Mary Guzzo, who was my maid of honor in my wedding. We lost touch when she got divorced, and I had no idea how to get in touch with her. I found her on our email list as well, and so I was able reconnect with her. And it was like we just saw each other last week. We never shut up. Ha, ha. (Pictured here are Mary Guzzo Myers and her husband, Rich Myers, the most elegantly dressed man at the Friday night get-together.)

Kathy added:
I was also glad that I was able to talk Janet Bova into coming and Dana Comito. Pictured here are Mary Guzzo Myers, Judy Gibson Brumfield, Eileen Ruffner Baca and Janet Bova Sieracki at the Friday night gathering.
Below is Dana Comito Narey, left, with Peggy Loughner Fisher, Eileen Ruffner Baca and Donna Fisher Wiley at the Sunday morning Gators Breakfast Club on June 7, 2009. (Denise Thompson Matthews, largely unseen, is seated to Dana's right.)

Kathy also hopes to reconnect with Janet Bole Wermager, who didn't attend.
We all talked of her and wanted her to be there as well.(Are you reading this, Janet? Want to reach Kathy and company? Write a comment on this blog or use the contact information at the top of the page.)

A party atmosphere prevailed at the Friday night gathering at D'Imperios as Sandy Truxel Croft, Eileen Ruffner Baca, Ron Quaglia, Cheryl Lang Powell and Dianne Ilgenfritz Brudney, pictured here, can testify.

These Gator Gals got silly for this photo as Sandy Truxel Croft covered her face and head with a scarf or veil and Kathie Mason Bolton (standing) and Judy Duffy Roman (far right) joined in the merriment.

Peggy Loughner Fisher, our fearless leader;

John Kudravy with Paula Nuchols Carrera;

Kathy Casper Faix and Janet Aker Mazzotta, center, with Bob McFetridge (left), Bob Conley and Sam Viggiano (in red);

Judy McCluskey Crookston and Donna Fisher Wiley with Judy Gibson Brumfield in the background.

Phil Billings and Alana Miltak Baranick, left, at breakfast on Saturday, June 6, 2009;
Eileen Ruffner Baca and Donna Fisher Wiley, below, share a moment on Sunday, June 7, 2009, that made them (and the classmates who witnessed it) weep.